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Welcome to Jorge Vogl's Website!

Video Game Designer.

I will become a Video Gme Designer, because I have worked and tested on Video Games before. Plus, i know how to use the application called RPG Maker, so I've worked on some games before. 

Sound Engineer/ DJ

I will become a Sound Engineer because i have wokred on producing music, for my RPG Games, and for my own amusement as well.


I would like to become a Psycologist, because I know whats on the Human Mind. My family always come to me when they have problems, and i resolve them.

U.S. History Teacher

I would like to become a U.S. History Teacher because i enjoy History, and teaching History.
Plus, i have a good memory, so i remember a lot of facts.


All About Me!

Jorge is a perculiar child. He is a complete goofball, but he is a hard worker. He is working on Video Games, and he is enjoying it. He got interested in video games in 2009, when New Super Mario Came out for the Ds and Dsi. He has made 3 Horror games, and 1 RPG game .He has leanred how to make them with the help of his freinds. he is mostly interested in RPG's (Role Playing Games).

With a new RPG on the way, he is very busy. 

His plan is to go to Full Sail University in Winter Haven, Florida or Webster University in St Louis, Missouri. After that, he is going to work as a Video Game Designer, The cool thing is that he know how to code in vidoe games, and implement the sprites in the games. He is now a 9th grader attending Miami Arts Studio Middle-High School, and is in Technical Production.